Happy 2015 everyone!
2014 is finally done and I’m going to have an awesome 2015. This year is my year and I am going to rock it!
I know this is easy to say. A plan is needed to help myself achieve my dreams this year. Otherwise I’ll just end up whinging about it.
And I know I can achieve pretty much anything that I put my mind to. I just need to try.
So here’s the plan…
1) Have more fun and take life less seriously. Not that I take it very seriously now but there is always room for improvement and more giggles.
2) Eat a bit healthier. I need to try to eat little and often instead of a big meal. I also need to avoid snacking until I explode. Little and often!
3) Spend more time with the people I care about and dump the time wasters. People are either radiators or drains. They either warm you up or drain the life out of you. I vote for radiators!
4) Exercise harder and push myself beyond my limits. I know I can do this, I just need to be brave enough to try.
And hopefully do some races with friends (yes Lynn, I mean you!)
6) Start my new job with the confidence and knowledge that I can do my job extremely well and I will be awesome! I won’t allow self-doubt to interfer and take my sparkle away.