On Tuesday I had my free session with a personal trainer at my gym, DW Fitness Club. My PT is called Dave and he managed to kill me in less than an hour *high 5s Dave*
Dave sat down with me and we discussed my goals and how I want to train to achieve them. My main goal is being ready for the Cardiff Half Marathon on 4th October this year!
Have I already mentioned once or twice that I’m running a half marathon??!!
I’m already doing a lot of treadmill time and know to do short runs, medium runs, long runs, interval training, hill training etc but I knew I had to do some strength training to stay injury free.
Dave had me doing squats, press-ups, more squats with a heavy ball that I had to lift over my head and some arm exercises with a giant elastic band… yes, these are the technical names obviously!
Dave warned me that if I didn’t do the exercises correctly then he would also make me do burpees… Dave is evil!
Luckily I am awesome and didn’t have to do a single burpee! *high 5s self*
I really enjoyed the session with the personal trainer but somehow I lost the ability to use my legs afterwards. For the last few days I have had a lot of trouble with sitting down, standing up and using stairs. Those squats killed me but I LOVED them!
I am slowly recovering the use of my legs without wincing every time I do anything and the weird thing is that I’m missing the pain! I know, crazy!
The strength workout is all exercises that I can do at home so I am emptying out my spare room and turning it into my workout room. I’ve got my yoga mat, weights, foam roller, resistance bands, bling board and I’m getting a gym ball.