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Only 1 week to go until I run the Cardiff half marathon!

1 week to go

Up until a month ago I was quietly confident about my run. I had already completed a 13.1 mile long run so knew I could do the distance and was more excited than anxious about the race. Then the car accident happened and I ended up with whiplash so bang went my training plan.


I had a week off running then did a few short runs the following week and I managed an 11 mile run on the Saturday. Then I caught a cold and it knocked me on my arse.

1 week to go

The Cold…

I hurt all over, my nose was running like a tap, my sinus’ throbbed and my eyes watered constantly. I managed to get through most of the working week but couldn’t quite make it and worked from home on Friday. I’d already had a few days off sick because of the whiplash and didn’t want to take more time off.


So to get me back into it I’m planning 3 short runs this week and then no running on Saturday. This is what’s on my training plan so at least I might feel back in control of it again. I want to enjoy the race. I want to get excited this week but I can’t help but feel panicked and anxious. Hopefully tomorrow’s short run will get me back on track and settle some of the nerves.

1 week to go

Iif you’re in Cardiff on Sunday 4th October and you see people running around with a number pinned to their chest, give them a cheery shout or a wave. If one of those runners is wearing a Pegasus top then give us a “looking strong Pegasus”.

Feel free to also throw us jelly beans, jelly babies, haribo or some sort of little sugary treat. We’ll probably need it. If you’re a bit arty then bring down a sign so you don’t have to keep shouting.

1 week to go
My favourite sign so far

Us runners love it when complete strangers cheer us on. It makes us feel connected and as though anything is possible.

Eeeeeeeek only 1 week to go!

(Featured image by Aron Visuals on Unsplash)